Posts tagged inspiration
Quality vs Quantity with Alex Noriega & Erin Babnik - LPP #36

In this episode I talk with Alex Noriega and Erin Babnik about the idea of Quality over Quantity when it comes to sharing your work on social media, and adding images to your portfolio. Alex is a highly acclaimed photographer and known for his post processing tutorials. Erin Babnik is an international educator, workshop instructor and public speaker.

Nick’s Workshops and tutorials can be found at:

Erin’s website can be found at

Alex’s website can be found at

Plight of the Weekend Warrior with Miles Morgan - LPP #35

Miles Morgan is an amazing, inspiring landscape photographer, and when you look at his images, you cant imagine that he doesn't do this as his full time job. Miles balances life, work, family and epic landscape photography in a way many people can only dream of. In this episode we talk about the balance, and the art of making the most of a trip.

Miles can be found on Instagram and on his website

Nicks tutorials and workshops can be found HERE

Investing in Inspiration - LPP #21

In this episode I talk about how sometimes it is better to invest in experiences and inspiration, rather than that next camera body. I also talk about some of the photographers and educators that have inspired me throughout the last few years.

My Icelandic Winter Adventure 2018 workshop can be found here!


Photographers mentioned in this episode.

Thomas heaton -

Greg Benz -

Jimmy Macintyre -

Steve Arnold -

Ryan Dyar -

Sean Bagshaw -

Alex Noriega -

Enrico Fossati -

Daniel Kordan -

Erin Babnik -

Marc Adamus -

Michael Shainblum -

Live Panel with Thomas Heaton, Bryan Peterson, & Erin Babnik - LPP #15

This is a Live Panel discussion recorded at the out of Acadia conference.  We talk about creative block, inspiration, scariest moments in the field, and reoccurring tips and themes while teaching during the Acadia workshops.

Thomas Heaton's Website

Bryan Peterson's Website

Erin Babnik's Website

Nick Page's Website

Tips for new landscape photographers - LPP #11

In this episode Nick answers several questions from the Landscape Photography Podcast community.  Including, tips for new landscape photographers, how to approach a scene when the conditions don't give you want you expect.  Being more creative with your compositions.  Crazy photo trip stories from China.  And a look into Nick's background and how he got into photography in the first place.

Nick's website can be found at