Posts tagged landscape photography
Quality vs Quantity with Alex Noriega & Erin Babnik - LPP #36

In this episode I talk with Alex Noriega and Erin Babnik about the idea of Quality over Quantity when it comes to sharing your work on social media, and adding images to your portfolio. Alex is a highly acclaimed photographer and known for his post processing tutorials. Erin Babnik is an international educator, workshop instructor and public speaker.

Nick’s Workshops and tutorials can be found at:

Erin’s website can be found at

Alex’s website can be found at

Plight of the Weekend Warrior with Miles Morgan - LPP #35

Miles Morgan is an amazing, inspiring landscape photographer, and when you look at his images, you cant imagine that he doesn't do this as his full time job. Miles balances life, work, family and epic landscape photography in a way many people can only dream of. In this episode we talk about the balance, and the art of making the most of a trip.

Miles can be found on Instagram and on his website

Nicks tutorials and workshops can be found HERE

Large Format Photography with Ben Horne - LPP #28

This week with talk with photographer Ben Horne.  Ben is know for two things, Large Format photography, and his youtube channel where he chronicles his journeys.  I have been a huge Ben Horne fan for a while now, and in this episode we talk about the gear and process of modern film photography.

Ben's Website can be found here

Nick's website, tutorials and workshops can be found here

Storytelling with Mads Peter Iversen - LPP #23

This week Nick talks with Mads Peter Iversen.  Mads youtube channel is one of the best new  photography channels filled with travel log's and inspiration.  Make sure you check out both his instagram feed and Youtube channel.
Nick also announces the creation of his Patreon page where there will be extra podcast interviews, vlog content.  Image critiques and post processing videos.  you can find the page at

Progressing as a Photographer with Joshua Cripps - LPP #20

In this episode I talk with Joshua Cripps about the good bad and ugly of the natural progression as a creative, and as a photographer.  Growth isn't always measured in the amount of places we have visited, or the number of followers we have on social media.
Sign up for the Moab conference at and use the promo code PAGE250 to get $250 off.

Josh's website -
Nick's website -
Josh's Facebook -


Photographing Seascapes and the Oregon Coast - LPP #19

Seascapes are probably my favorite genera of landscape photography.  I love photographing moving water.  In this episode i talk about how important shutterspeed is, useful apps, as well as useful gear when photographing around the ocean.

You can sign up for workshops at

Apps and gear mentioned in this episode:

Magic Seaweed



Kimtech scientific wipes

Breakthrough Photography filters

NRS Boundary Socks

Tripod Spikes

Adventures in Nature Photography with Art Wolfe - LPP #17

Art Wolfe is one of the most well known names in photography of our generation.  Art's photography in nature, culture, and wildlife are some of the most important and influential work of the past 50 years.  In this episode I talk with Art about his newest book "earth is my witness".  We also talk about staying current with technology, staying inspired and motivated, and the sacrifices needed to create work at the highest level.

Art's website can be found here

The book can be purchased here

Nick's website can be found here

Live Panel with Thomas Heaton, Bryan Peterson, & Erin Babnik - LPP #15

This is a Live Panel discussion recorded at the out of Acadia conference.  We talk about creative block, inspiration, scariest moments in the field, and reoccurring tips and themes while teaching during the Acadia workshops.

Thomas Heaton's Website

Bryan Peterson's Website

Erin Babnik's Website

Nick Page's Website

Achieving Ultimate Sharpness - LPP #12

In this Episode Nick talks about achieving sharpness in landscape photos. Nature photographers, more than any other genera are the most likely to be sharpness obsessed.  In this episode Nick talks about where to focus, hyper focal distance, focus stacking, shutter speed, depth of field and sharpening in post processing.

Mastering Luminosity Masks

Steve Perry's Sharpening video and actions

TK actions